
Total savings :7,500 tonnes of CO₂ per year
Local environment :Avoidance of Methane emissions, improved soil quality by supplying important nutrients
Further advantages :Creating jobs through the collection, transportation and treatment of waste
Project partners :BioBuu Limited

Better waste disposal for Tanzania

In many East African countries, hundreds of tons of organic waste are generated every day, for example at local food markets.  This is usually mixed with other waste and disposed of in landfills, where it rots anaerobically under uncontrolled conditions. This produces methane. This can be avoided by not disposing of organic waste in landfills, but by collecting it separately and decomposing it into organic fertilizer in a controlled manner at a composting plant.

Local Benefit

atmosfair and its partner BioBuu will set up several composting plants in Tanzania, where we will process the organic material into compost under controlled aerobic conditions. BioBuu manages the composting process by placing the organic material into windrows, which are systematically turned over several weeks. This regular turning increases oxygen levels, evenly distributes heat, and maintains optimal moisture. Thereby, BioBuu ensures a controlled and efficient decomposition. We sell the resulting compost as organic fertilizer to local smallholder farmers. It improves soil quality by adding important nutrients that promote plant growth. This increases the yields of small farmers without the use of mineral fertilizers and thus also contributes to food security. atmosfair and BiuBuu create numerous new jobs for members of the local communities through the operation of the composting plants, including the collection logistics, as well as turning, screening, marketing and sale of the organic fertilizer.

Composting for Climate Protection

When organic waste decomposes in an uncontrolled manner, such as in a landfill, methane is produced as a by-product. Methane is an important driver of climate change. By composting, organic waste is decomposed naturally with the addition of air to maintain biological activity. The controlled decomposition of organic waste in a composting plant avoids methane emissions and thus contributes to climate protection.

Our Partner

BioBuu Limited: is a Tanzanian company that specializes in the production of organic fertilizers. BioBuu is committed to improving the sustainability and productivity of smallholder farmers by promoting regenerative cultivation methods and providing access to high-quality organic fertilizers.

Your Contact at atmosfair

Dr. Ute Werner
Project Manager
+49 (0) 30 120 84 80 - 36