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- Efficient Cookstoves
- Nigeria: Efficient cookstoves
Total savings : | 20,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year |
Technology transfer : | Efficient firewood stoves that can save 80 % of energy |
Local environment : | Reduction in indoor air pollution and deforestation |
Further advantages : | Fewer expenses for household energy |
Project partners : | Own Nigerian subsidiary “atmosfair Climate & Sustainability Limited” |
About 75 % of the families in Nigeria still use three stone fires and firewood for daily cooking. In northern Nigeria the percentage is even up to 99% of the families ¹. One family with 7 persons needs about 4 tons of firewood per year ². This enormous need of firewood has led to almost complete deforestation and increasing deforestation especially in the poor northern parts of the country. Firewood is thus scarce in northern Nigeria. Wood must be transported from southern Nigeria by truck and trains and is so expensive that energy costs about 10 times more than food (in Europe they are about equal in cost).
In this situation, efficient stoves, which use about 80% less wood for cooking, can help. Often people do not believe at first that it is possible to cook properly with so little wood. Therefore, we demonstrate the stoves on site to convince men and especially Nigeria’s women. In addition, efficient stoves burn the wood more cleanly, which is a great relief for women and children whose lungs and eyes are constantly exposed to acrid smoke when cooking over open fires. Another advantage of efficient stoves is that they work day and night and do not require any change in cooking habits. All these advantages explain the success and the great demand and they reliably ensure the use of these stoves. atmosfair, with the help of your climate protection contributions, lowers the selling price of the stoves so that families with low incomes can afford them. Due to the enormous savings on firewood, the purchase of the stove pays off for many families after just a few months.
atmosfair initially exported the technology, which was developed in Germany, as prefabricated stove kit to Nigeria, where our local partners took over the assembly of the stoves. In 2020, atmosfair founded a company in Nigeria to set-up a completely local production of the Save80 in Kano. In this way, we want to greatly increase the sales of the stoves in the next few years in order to meet the ongoing high demand for efficient stoves in Nigeria. Local production creates jobs in the metal processing sector and new sources of income for the local population, it shortens transport routes and saves costs. atmosfair produced the first 15,000 stoves in its own factory for the city of Hamburg.