CO₂ Offset
The most effective measure companies can take to contribute to climate protection is the reduction and avoidance of emissions in their business operations. However, what about unavoidable emissions? By financially supporting certified climate protection projects in the global South, you can offset these emissions through compensation by acquiring high-quality CO₂ certificates. Offsetting provides the opportunity to achieve and maintain a defined CO₂ reduction goal at a specific time. All atmosfair climate protection projects have a tangible benefit for the local population and the environment, making them suitable for internal and external communication.
Your benefits:
- Reduction of the CO₂ footprint
- High standards in project selection and control
- Active communication to the target audience possible
- Support for global climate protection
- Donations are tax-deductible in Germany
atmosfair: Highest Quality Climate Protection Projects
atmosfair develops projects in the “Renewable Energy” and “Energy Efficiency” sectors in developing countries to offset the greenhouse gases produced. By offsetting for your company’s emissions, you support the development of these climate protection projects and contribute to improving the living conditions of the affected population significantly. The benefits and implementation of the projects are annually reviewed by independent experts. atmosfair supports only projects certified by the CDM Gold Standard.
- Transparency: Projects registered with the UN
- Only projects in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency
- All projects with additional local benefits
- Project development with experienced partner organizations on-site
- Annual verification of greenhouse gas savings by independent experts
An overview of all atmosfair projects can be found here.

Despite its crucial role in financing climate protection projects, offsetting is not always meaningful. Information about when offsetting makes sense can be found here.
Generate carbon credits with your own offset project
Für CO₂-intensive Wirtschaftsbereiche bietet atmosfair auch maßgeschneiderte Projektentwicklung an. In vielen Ländern der Welt und mit verschiedenen Technologiemöglichkeiten setzen wir Projekte nach dem CDM Gold Standard auf. So haben Sie die Möglichkeit, handelbare Zertifikate zu erzeugen und das eigene Projekt auch in Ihrer Außendarstellung zu nutzen. atmosfair berät Sie zu Zertifizierungsstandards und Projekttypen und übernimmt die komplette Projektentwicklung und Koordination bis zur Ausschüttung der CO₂-Zertifikate. Mehr Informationen zu der Möglichkeit, durch Investitionen in ein eigenes Klimaschutzprojekt wirtschaftlich hochwertige CO₂-Zertifikate zu generieren, finden Sie hier.
(Hinweis: Sie haben bereits ein Klimaschutzprojekt und suchen ein kompetentes Partnerunternehmen für die CDM- und Gold Standard-Registrierung oder für das Projektmonitoring? Dann lesen Sie hier mehr.)
For CO₂-intensive sectors, atmosfair also offers tailor-made project development. In many countries around the world and with various technological possibilities, we implement projects according to the CDM Gold Standard. This provides you with the opportunity to generate tradable certificates and use your own project for external representation. atmosfair advises you on certification standards and project types, taking care of the entire project development and coordination until the distribution of CO₂ certificates.
(Note: If you already have a climate protection project and are looking for a competent partner company for CDM and Gold Standard registration or project monitoring, you can find more information here.)
Contribution Claims
Through Contribution Claims, companies voluntarily invest a self-imposed CO₂ levy in innovative climate protection projects that cannot be financed or implemented by the project countries themselves. The amount of these voluntary climate protection contributions is determined, like compensation, by the amount of the company’s residual emissions, the external costs caused by these emissions, and the needs of climate protection projects. However, the CO₂ savings are credited to the climate protection goals in the project countries and are therefore not creditable for compensation in Germany. The Contribution Claim Model (CCM) is already a meaningful alternative or addition to compensation today, allowing companies to meet their climate protection responsibilities in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.
The advantage: Through Contribution Claims, companies support the continuation of high-quality existing projects and the development of new projects. This helps reduce emissions and promotes sustainable development in host countries.
The disadvantage: There is no creditable ton of CO₂ reduction behind a climate protection certificate. The company cannot offset its contribution with a caused ton of CO₂ in its value chain, meaning the contribution does not count as compensation.
For more information on the differences between compensation and Contribution Claims, please refer to this link.
New: Neutralization
The neutralization of CO₂ emissions through the removal of CO₂ from the atmosphere is gaining increasing importance in the climate protection debate. Initiatives such as the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) are increasingly relying on neutralization as a key tool to achieve corporate climate goals, and the IPCC emphasizes the inevitable necessity of neutralization for global climate protection.
The targeted support of projects for CO₂ removal is thus considered a crucial step to achieve climate goals and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.
atmosfair actively engages in the development and financing of neutralization projects, with a focus on two significant areas: firstly, investing in projects for the production of biochar, which serves as an efficient carbon sink. Secondly, participating in various research and development projects in the field of Direct Air Capture, an innovative technology for directly removing CO₂ from the atmosphere, to promote sustainable solutions for climate protection.
Project Funding
Annually, around 700 billion euros are needed globally to achieve the Paris Climate Goals with clean energy. In addition to compensation and contribution claims, there is also the option to support atmosfair by making a simple donation for climate protection, which we use to develop and expand renewable energy in the global South. For example, we work on rural electrification of villages with photovoltaic systems and mini-grids in Madagascar, small biogas plants for farms in Nepal, or fuel-efficient stoves in Rwanda. This not only creates jobs but also provides new perspectives for the local communities.
Contact us to learn more about how you can support atmosfair projects with a donation!
Credible Climate Protection
Climate-neutral, CO2-neutral, Net Zero – more and more companies are trying to set themselves apart from the competition with such buzzwords. However, often it amounts to nothing more than greenwashing – no changes in the company itself and the financing of activities elsewhere as cheaply as possible, with potentially minimal positive impact on the climate. Information on how to communicate your climate protection contributions appropriately and credibly can be found here.